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Thursday, March 31, 2005

Stikfas - tastic

Part 3 of the epic My Last Saturday Trilogy

After my girlfriend and I saw the Blessing of the Animals, we walked over to Chinatown to hit Munky King.

I hadn't bought anything for myself at Munky King during previous visits. The designer toys are all very cool, but almost none of them are interactive. They're more like artwork, and priced as such.

Then I saw a new addition: Stikfas. I'd seen Stikfas around in hobby stores for years, and while they piqued my interest, the basic model never grabbed me. But the Stikfas had evolved. I saw this Alpha Male with Robo-space Claws and I had to have it.

I wanted to document my first Stikfas experience, but the pictures were dark and blurry. Here are a few samples.

Ah ha. Some assembly required.

Ooh, there's stickers and accessories ! Even a cool color postcard included ( but no gum :( )

What a massacre ! Body parts... I think.

"Father, give me arms !"

Ra !

In the Stikfas future, everyone will have a cloned torso for spare parts.

Stylin' in space gear.

Two fisted Laser gun action

The final product

As you can see, you build your own Stikfas like a model, complete with a hilarous and stunning array of stickers.

Then, once you're done, it's a fully articulated action figure !

And if you have extra pieces, you can mix and match them - it's like action figure Legos.

Yep, these things are cool. And addictive. I'm already itching for my next fix.

Here's the Stikfas web site. There is some extremely cool stuff there.

The Stickfas figures really remind me of Scud: The Disposable Assassin, but that's a whole 'nother blog entry. How's tomorrow work for you ?

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Pocky Commercials - Explained !

Remember those crazy Pocky commercials I linked to a while back ?

Dan's Horrendous Waste of Bandwidth has great explanations for all the crazy shennanigans.

Happy Pocky Day !

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The Blessing of the Pig

Part 2 of the Epic My Last Saturday Trilogy

After I ran the Reggae 5k , my girlfriend and I went to Olvera Street in Downtown Los Angeles for the Blessing Of The Animals.

We were surrounded by dogs in sombreros and really loving Los Angeles.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Reggae Run

Part 1 of the epic My Last Saturday trilogy

Saturday morning I planned to run in the Reggae Rhythm of Life 5K Run. I paid $20 to run it, after all.

The race started at 8:30am. I probably should have left a little earlier. And no, I probably should not have missed the highway exit. I definitely shouldn't have missed it twice.

Anyways, I did manage to get into Griffith Park where the race was being held. I had about 10 minutes before the race started, enough time I hoped to sign in and stretch before the race.

Unfortunately for me, the way I entered the park was along the race route. There was a police car driving down the route at 2 miles per hour to make sure no speeding cars (me) hit the crowd of runners gathering at the starting line. It was now 8:28 am.

After much swearing, screaming, and steering wheel punching, the slow caravan eventually made it to the starting line. The police car let us past, but we were diverted away from the parking lot by a wall of traffic cones. It was now 8:29 am.

Throwing caution to the wind, I pulled a U-turn in front of a cop, through the traffic cones, zipped past the crowd at the starting line, and sped up a hill to find a parking spot.

By my watch it was 8:30 am. I actually hopped the fence of the parking lot and ran straight down a hill towards the starting line. As I reached the bottom an air horn went off and the race began.

Clutching my race registration and car keys, mp3 player wrapped around my neck - I joined the crowd and ran the race.

If you look closely here, you can see my registration papers clutched in my left hand and car keys in my right.

I finished 71st* place out of 150 people, and my pace was an 8 minute 12 second mile. I think I could have done better if I had stretched or warmed up, but I guess I'll never know.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Sunday, March 27, 2005

What up, Peeps ?

Okay, I wanted to do a big ole blogging about Marshmellow PEEPS, but the internet is a veritable sugary feast of Peep sites.

Instead, let me just direct you to this very funny easter comic.

Friday, March 25, 2005

There can be only ONE

This is the new ad campaign for Pepsi One, called 'Oneify'.

It's all about unity, etc etc. Actually, their 'Onefisto' is kinda creepy.
But the campaign itself is kinda cool. Pepsi is foregoing all traditional media advertising and just doing this web campaign at .

They got a designer to create these little characters that are pretty cool. They remind me of the custom toys like Scary Girl you'd find at Munky King

Each character has a trading card and a webisode where they jam out together. It won't get me to drink Pepsi, but I do like the characters.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

He's going the distance !

In preparation for the Reggae Rhythm 5k Run this weekend, I went out and bought a knee brace. You know, for long distance running.

I did some research on "Knee braces for long distance running" first, though. Here's the brilliant advice I found on a dozen web sites:

"When I saw my recent bill for phone service I almost fell over. The simple phone bill that other companies promised just never came through. That is why I switched to a company like knee braces for use in long distance running. With knee braces for use in long distance running I can make sure that I can read the phone bill too. Most of the other companies like knee braces for use in long distance running that have knee braces for use in long distance running are un readable. It's like algabra too. "

It really is like algabra, too.

I guess they have some computer program randomizing long distance plans with random web searches, but I haven't been able to generate anything other than knee braces. Weird.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Pocky Quiz

Happy Pocky Day!

Here are 3 different Pocky Quizzes.

Until Pockyology becomes a rigorously defined field of study, you are free to choose whichever results please you. Kinda like Astrology.

Click here to take the High School Pocky Quiz and find out what flavor of Pocky you are.

Apparently I am :

[c] sugardew

Here is another more general Pocky Quiz. This one says I'm Banana Pocky.

Hmm... this is a very short Pocky Quiz, that tells me I am...

"Sweet Milk Pocky! You're an elitist, since you're
not really suited to the American taste. You're
sweet, as your name implies, but sometimes you
do get a little haughty. "

Well, there you have it. All it takes is a little profiling for my sweeet, sweeet elitism to come out.

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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Bow to Mecha

This is the Timberjack forest walker, a car sized mechanical bug designed to move through forests with minimal impact on the environment.

Click here to see videos of the Timberjack in action. (I first saw this at Kung fu Monkey's blog.)

I knew there were other Mech projects in various stages of development, so I wanted to collect some here.

Click on the pictures below to take you to the article, home page, or videos !

This crazy egg thing is called the i-foot, designed to help handicapped (or lazy) people up stairs.

This is the Power Assist Suit, currently being rolled out in Japan to help nurses lift patients.

Here is a more utilitarian exo-suit from the University of Berkeley Lower Extremity Exoskeleton project.

Availible in slimming black and snappy dress greens

This monster is the T-52 Enryu Hyper Rescue Robot. Don't let this picture fool you, it weighs 5 tons and can tear apart a car (with videos to prove it !)

Luckily this is only the T-52. The robots won't be able to pass for human until at least the T-800 series.

The merger of man and machine is closer than we realize.

Why not get your cyborg name now?

>>>>>End Transmission

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Monday, March 21, 2005

Friday, March 18, 2005

Freaky Friday

I was running down at the Santa Monica beach this morning with a friend when we spotted a seal lying on the beach.

I have seen 3 dead seals since moving to LA a few years ago, so I wasn't entirely shocked. This seal (sealion, actually) was still alive.

It was an adolescent, I think, and curled up on the beach. It had a wound of some kind on its shoulder.

We tried to flag down a beach patrol but couldn't. There was no one at the police stand either. We finally found a Paramedic sleeping in the back of his ambulance and asked him to call a park official or local police on the radio.

When we went back to the sealion, I saw a sign buried in the sand that read "Marine Animal - Do Not Disturb. Federal Penalty, etc etc". I guess the sealion was spotted some time yesterday, possibly days earlier.

I did a bit of research online - apparently Santa Monica has a horrible water pollution problem, and the tumor-filled fish and sealions soak up a lot of toxic chemicals. I think it's a good thing that I never go into the water even though I live in Santa Monica.

There wasn't much else to do, so we continued running. We debated the application of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle to astrology, clarovoyance, and prognostication.

For the record, I don't believe in astrology. I also think New Age people are seizing upon the confusion of the layperson's understanding of Quantum Mechanics to justify their mystical beliefs.

Here's a great article about a huge 2003 study into astrology.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Shamrock Shake

What do you get when you cross
Grimace with El Chupacabra ?
Uncle O' Grimacey.
Deep inside McDonald's Animal Experimentation &
Novel Foodstuffs Laboratory, hardworking scientists extract millions of
gallons of Uncle O' Grimace Elixer.
Through a patented process this elixer is then combined with vanilla icecream to create the much anticipated SHAMROCK SHAKE.
I hope, like hotdogs, knowing the origins of this product diminishes neither your enjoyment nor refreshment.
For fans of the Shamrock Shake, go to Bring Back The Shamrock .

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Are you MAN enough ?

Snap into it! Snap into a... Pocky ?

This week I'm celebrating Pocky Day with MEN'S POCKY.

Men's Pocky is made with bitter dark chocolate, and in my opinion it is even better than regular chocolate Pocky.

This site here has some fascinating theories on why they sell Men's Pocky, but not Women's Pocky.

Here's some more pictures of the Pocky Girls at the Glico site. It's good to be a man.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Attack Of The Mutant Cats

Okay, we all heard about the Ligers.

And this week there was the kitten born with TWO Faces.

My curiousity piqued, I did a quick Google search on Mutant Cats. Terrifying !

Here's a mutant cat with 4 ears.

And here is a demon cat with no soul.

All sorts of terrors are popping up at the Mutant Big Cats website.

Messy is enough to give even the craziest of crazy
cat ladies nightmares.

What can this exponential rate of feline mutation possibly portend?

I suspect the folks at know.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Friday, March 11, 2005

Robot! Vs. Teenage Girl !

In a crushing blow to Robots everywhere, a teenage girl dominated this year's
Robot vs. Human arm wrestling competition.

In honor of the snickering Ninja assassins, I offer ENTER THE NINJA.COM .
This site is quite well done and full of useful information. It even features Ninja vs. Killer Tomato.

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Thursday, March 10, 2005

Dance! Dance! Dance!

Ah, the David Brent Dance.

For those of you who saw Season 2 of the BBC Comedy series THE OFFICE, this moment is legendary.

Ricky Gervaise called it "a fuse of MC Hammer and Flashdance", but it's so much more.

Please Hammer, don't hurt 'em.

BBC's website lets you watch the video here.

You can find out the secret technique behind the dance here.

And this page has step by step instructions, flash animations, and all sorts of wonderful things related to Wernham Hogg.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Do the Hokey Pocky

Happy Pocky Day !

Okay, as promised here's some pictures of The Pocky Girls, aka Morning Musume.

Morning Musume is a constantly expanding all girl pop group in Japan. Kinda like the Wu Tang Clan, minus Old Dirty Bastard.

In addition to doing commercials for Pocky, Morning Musume has even recorded a pocky song!

Go to this site and click on song #5 Yes! Pocky Girls (and then #9 in the pop up window).

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