- Mecha-Einstein will save us all
This picture really brings up a lot of complex, conflicting feelings andbegs all sorts of maddening torturous questions.
It's finally here - HOW TO SURVIVE A ROBOT UPRISING by Daniel H. Wilson.
Looks like a great read... but does it include these strange Robots?
Elektro - The Cigarette smoking robot from the 1930's. And his little robot dog, too.
The Robot VS. The Aztec Mummy - In this review of the 1960's movie we learn that robots can defend us from Aztec mummies.
Giant Inflatable Robots - These robots from BABO boast 'Ample Massiveness'. Click here for video.
And finally, a Waffle Making Robot. I guess they can't be all that bad.
- The geniuses at Kokoro Dreams have created the Actroid, "A female-type reception robot... bearing a striking resemblance to a woman with a good command of four languages".
The Actroid can speak and understand conversations in English, Korean, Chinese, and Japanese. Click here for video
But be warned: "She will be dissappointed and sulky if she is mocked".
And then she'll tell her brother:
- Scientists at Darthmouth have built the world's smallest mobile robot.
At 60 x 250 micrometers, "About 200 of these could march in a line across
the top of a plain M&M."
That's right - soon all of our delicious M&M chocolate candies will be SWARMING WITH TINY ROBOTS !
The tiny robots wait in Abe Lincoln's beard for an M&M
In an unexpected move, M&M is retaliating by creating GIANT M&M's.
They also offer custom M&Ms, as you can see...oh no! It's too late!

- Robot vs. Ninja in 3D ! Only at the con...
- Robots - big, boxy, belligerent robots. RobotFrank.com has all that and more. Robotic combat, ninjas, even a tribute to Grimace! Ro-basket definitely approves.
- I don't watch SNL because it is bad. The only thing I miss are there amazing commercial parodies, like this brilliant one for OLD GLORY ROBOT INSURANCE.
(video courtesy of Robotcombat.com, home of the fighting robot Nightmare. Vlad The Impaler is still my fave, sorry!)Inspired. Ro-Basket approves. - I've had a Flickr account for a while now, but haven't really explored it's potential for things other than free hosting for pictures.
The Flickr Blog is always posting about really neat things, so I've added it to my 'Blogs I Dig' list on the side there.
They also have a 'Flickr Tag Fight' feature that runs off Tags.
Tags are descriptive comments people add to their pictures. With the Tag Fight, you can enter two tags into search fields and see which one dominates.
Of course I had to try this with ROBOT vs NINJA.
AND THE WINNER IS... "Smoke it!" shouts angry robot
After Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi was attacked by a
Security Robot (click here for story) he decided to staff his government with Ninja Women (click here for story).Ninja Women are perfect in this amoral world.
And people wonder why I so love Japan.
Scientist in Japan have unveiled their most life like robot to date.
The Repliee Q1
This robot was designed to promote the virtues of lace gloves.
In this video clip from the manufacturer's official website a man in shorts and sandals harasses a very sleepy robot woman. They really need to teach this robot to say "Ow, quit-it".
But don't think you can harass this sleepy robot woman for long!
It's only a matter of time before she spawns the creepy midget Repliee R1's.

Sure, they may have green alien bodies of their own, but they'll skin you alive just for the fun of it.
So remember, DON'T POKE THE ROBOTS !
- The Nuvo is the latest robot from Japan. Built by ZMP Inc., these 15 inch tall humanoids can patrol your home and send pictures to your mobile phone.
They walk, pick themselves up after a fall, respond to voice/remote/cell phone commands, and of course, like all new robots... DANCE !
They seem particularly built to do 'the monkey'. Perhaps in a slight dig at the
Robot vs. Monkey struggle ?
Read more about it here on Red Nova's news site.
And check out Plyojump, a REALLY good site about hyperactive robots.
Webcomics, short stories, and more @ cartercomics.com
Robot Basket, or Ro-Basket as I call him, is availible at Target. Get yours today !
- Here's a really cool web comic called Nine Planets without Intelligent Life. It's a philosophical interplanetary roadtrip story, following two vagabond robots in a post-human future.
Right now the robots are stuck on Mars.
If you'd like to see what the martians think of my blog, just click here .
(courtesy of Netdisaster.com )
- Like I said, Stikfas figures remind me of Scud: The Disposable Assassin.
(I tried to make my back up Stikfas body into a Scud, I'll post a pic later.)
Scud is a comic book by Rob Schrab. Scud exists in a surreal, funked up future where anyone can buy a robot assassin from a vending machine. After the hit the robot self destructs, no muss no fuss.
Our hero, Scud, has been sent after a bizarre apocalyptic monster. When he realizes that he'll self destruct once the job is done, he has to find work to keep the monster on life support. It only gets weirder from there.
It was a funny, original ride that unfortunately sputtered out at issue #20.
Scud creator Rob Schrab's other projects - La Casa Nostroid, about gangsters in giant robots, as well as some Scud spin-off series, all sputtered out too. I was a big fan of everything he wrote, so I was very disappointed. But Rob didn't stop creating, he just put his energy elsewhere.
He made a cool indy short called Robot Bastard, and wrote the t.v. pilot to a mindblowingly awesome show called Jack & Heatvision, (Directed by Ben Stiller) with Jack Black as a superpowered astronaut and Owen Wilson as his talking motorcycle.
So I don't care what he does, as long as he keeps on doing it. If you're favorite flavors are Surreal and Funky, do yourself a favor and check out Rob Schrab's work.
- This is the Timberjack forest walker, a car sized mechanical bug designed to move through forests with minimal impact on the environment.
Click here to see videos of the Timberjack in action. (I first saw this at Kung fu Monkey's blog.)
I knew there were other Mech projects in various stages of development, so I wanted to collect some here.
Click on the pictures below to take you to the article, home page, or videos !
This crazy egg thing is called the i-foot, designed to help handicapped (or lazy) people up stairs.
This is the Power Assist Suit, currently being rolled out in Japan to help nurses lift patients.
Here is a more utilitarian exo-suit from the University of Berkeley Lower Extremity Exoskeleton project.
Availible in slimming black and snappy dress greens
This monster is the T-52 Enryu Hyper Rescue Robot. Don't let this picture fool you, it weighs 5 tons and can tear apart a car (with videos to prove it !)
Luckily this is only the T-52. The robots won't be able to pass for human until at least the T-800 series.
The merger of man and machine is closer than we realize.
Why not get your cyborg name now?
>>>>>End Transmission
- In a crushing blow to Robots everywhere, a teenage girl dominated this year's
Robot vs. Human arm wrestling competition.
In honor of the snickering Ninja assassins, I offer ENTER THE NINJA.COM .
This site is quite well done and full of useful information. It even features Ninja vs. Killer Tomato. - Mannequins amuse me, as you can see from my comic
Welcome To Shoppingtown.
I like robots too. If only I could enjoy both of them together...
Behold! Robot Mannequins !
Read about Japan's latest advance in Robot Fashion here.
The Robo-Quins will have cameras to spy on how you look and what you're wearing, which is disturbing. It will be embarrasing to be harassed by Fat Robo-Quins from the Big & Tall store.
The article shows a pair of normal mannequins, even though the actual Robo-Quins won't have faces.

Super Monkey Fight Club comes courtesy of comicbook artist
and writer FRANK CHO.
For those who prefer Robots to Monkeys, here's ROBOT COMIX.
- GREAT comic today - Doctor Roboto . Rated PG-13 for robot violence and robot language.
- After exhaustive research, I have finally uncovered the epic struggle
between Robots, Ninjas, and Monkeys !
Here's how people think a throwdown between Ninjas and Robots
would turn out. Ninja vs Robot survey
Here's a cool short film on the subject! Robot vs Ninja Short Film
Bringing up the 3rd wave of the assault is the Monkeys vs. Robots war.
James Kochalka created a famous graphic novel about it, which
you can preview here: Monkey vs. Robot comic preview
He didn't stop there - he also made an Album about it! Check out track 3.
Monkey vs. Robot Album by James Superstar Kochalka
And last but not least, this song has it's own music video.
You can try to play it here, but no sites currently have a working version.
Monkey Vs. Robot Music Video
Finally, one dark visionary foretells a nightmarish future in which
Monkeys and Robots turn their combined fury upon mankind !
Monkey Vs (versus) Robot - Or, That's Armageddon!
I believe that's all there is to say on this subject. I am also happy to report
that Monkeys and Ninjas currently have no beef with each other.
Webcomics, short stories, and more @ cartercomics.com
Get more ROBOTS in the Robot Archives
Get more Ninja Action in the Ninja Archives
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