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Monday, February 28, 2005

Friday, February 25, 2005

It's time we had The Talk...

You see, when a Snuffleupagus girl falls in love with a Bantha boy...

...that's where S.U.V.'s come from:

Click HERE to bring this monster to life !

Okay, this totally cool beastie is a wild Esuvee, which can be seen in action at this website for SUV safety: ESUVEE.COM .

For rap sheets on your favorite Sesame Street Gangstas, check out The Sesame Street Encyclopedia .

Thursday, February 24, 2005

The First Rule of Fight Club is...

Super Monkey Fight Club comes courtesy of comicbook artist

and writer FRANK CHO.

For those who prefer Robots to Monkeys, here's ROBOT COMIX.

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Get more ROBOTS in the Robot Archives

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

A-Pocky-lyspe Now !

Happy Pocky Day !

Today's Comic: Robolove . Ninja vs. Zombie, anyone?

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Tuesday, February 22, 2005


I saw a funnel cloud this morning. It didn't quite look like this...

...but it was neat. And in case there was any doubt, I KNEW what the storm
was thinking.

I saw CONSTANTINE this weekend, and I found it entertaining. Yes, there
was a formula at the core (the hero seeking redemption, trying to save the
tough lady cop who won't stay in the car, the geeky young sidekick) but I
felt it was genuinely creepy and shocking in parts.

The action was good, the special effects were great, and best of all there
was more emphasis on tone and setting to create mood than crazy fx.

So, in honor of Constantine I present the comic link of the day: Bored & Evil.
Rated R.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Monday's Comic - In A Jam

Friday, February 18, 2005

Domo Arigato

GREAT comic today - Doctor Roboto . Rated PG-13 for robot violence and robot language.

I recently signed up with , and I plan to put up a Robot! vs. Ninja! page there. So far they are much easier to deal with than Keenspot.

Get more ROBOTS in the Robot Archives
Get more Ninja Action in the Ninja Archives

Here's a cool article about a lost ancient city in India that has been partially uncovered by the Tsunami.

"...The Seven Pagodas: The myths speak of six temples submerged beneath the waves with the seventh temple still standing on the seashore."

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Thursday, February 17, 2005

Where's the love ?

Finally, Aliens and Predators have learned to erase the
hate and share the love.

Check out Alien Loves Predator here (rated R, but the
relationship is purely platonic, I assure you.)

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Scary Girl

My girlfriend and I went to Munky King this weekend. Munky King is a store devoted to independant designer toys from around the world, and it is located in L.A.'s Chinatown.

She got a figure from the Scary Girl Minitreehouse series. Here is a trippy
comic about the life of SCARY GIRL , based on the Tim Burtonesque designer toys of Nathan Jurevicius.

The site is a work in progress, but they already have a game up where you
control the tentacles of a hideous octopus with a mustache.

So it's got that going for it, which is nice.

P.S. Happy Pocky Day !

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Year Of The Rooster

On Sunday I ran in the Chinatown Firecracker 10K race.

I was surprised to learn that the entire first half of the race would be uphill.
How they managed to fit in two more hills after that was impressive.

I'm glad I did it, and probably the best thing about it was participating in an event with so many people - nearly 1,500 people ran the 10k. It's not often you get such a communal feeling in L.A.

It's called the Firecracker race because for Chinese New Year 100,000
firecrackers are set off to scare away evil spirits.

Even more impressive, the Master of Ceremonies was none other
than Mortal Kombat's Liu Kang !

I finished in 618th* place. Top 50% ! Here's a picture of me at the finish line.
Note the 52 year old woman who came in before me.

Oh yeah, James Remar, the actor who played Lord Raiden was also there.
I beat his time by 9 minutes !!!

Monday, February 14, 2005

Friday, February 11, 2005

The Big Brawl

After exhaustive research, I have finally uncovered the epic struggle
between Robots, Ninjas, and Monkeys !

Here's how people think a throwdown between Ninjas and Robots
would turn out. Ninja vs Robot survey

Here's a cool short film on the subject! Robot vs Ninja Short Film

Bringing up the 3rd wave of the assault is the Monkeys vs. Robots war.

James Kochalka created a famous graphic novel about it, which
you can preview here: Monkey vs. Robot comic preview

He didn't stop there - he also made an Album about it! Check out track 3.
Monkey vs. Robot Album by James Superstar Kochalka

And last but not least, this song has it's own music video.
You can try to play it here, but no sites currently have a working version.
Monkey Vs. Robot Music Video

Finally, one dark visionary foretells a nightmarish future in which
Monkeys and Robots turn their combined fury upon mankind !
Monkey Vs (versus) Robot - Or, That's Armageddon!

I believe that's all there is to say on this subject. I am also happy to report
that Monkeys and Ninjas currently have no beef with each other.

Webcomics, short stories, and more @

Get more ROBOTS in the Robot Archives
Get more Ninja Action in the Ninja Archives

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Pirate Vs Ninja ?!

In case you didn't know, there is a huge debate raging across the Internet.
The debate is over the superiority of the Pirates versus Ninjas.

I was unaware of this phenom, but there's a very good
comic about it at PVN Comics .

Pirates, Ninjas, Robots...any bases we're not covering here?

How about monkeys ? Here's an awesome Cartoon Network Monkey game.

Webcomics, short stories, and more @

Get more Ninja Action in the Ninja Archives

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Your Daily Dose

Ahem . I hereby declare Wednesday to be POCKY DAY !

Pocky, for those who don't know, are delightfully delicious
cookie sticks from Japan. They come in a mind boggling
array of flavors. They rock, and if you partake weekly
so will you.

Today's Comic link:

A Lesson Is Learned, But The Damage Is Irreversible .
Very odd, very deep. And, well, very odd.

Today's Game: Samurai Jack - Way Of The Warrior.

Enjoy all three, in any combination you see fit.

Webcomics, short stories, and more @

Get more Pocky in the Pocky Archives

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Fat Tuesday

Do you like comics? Do you like games?!

If not, shoo.

If so, here's Grim & Evil: Battleforts , a very funny
game from . If you liked Scorched Earth, you'll love this.

And here's a collection of bizarre comics from
The Perry Bible Fellowship. Some are PG-13, so view responsibly.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Monday's Comic - 5 A Day

Friday, February 04, 2005

I'm Not Crazy !

They called me mad, MAD !

After years of trying to convince people about the existence of this short lived sci-fi tv show from the 80's, I've finally found proof of it's existence !

It was a weird protoype of Stargate SG-1 called OTHERWORLD , and it ran for 8 episodes in 1985.

Check out this website for info and the awesome intro.

Here's a very interesting and intellectually stimulating comic I found called FLEEP . It reads like a cross between PHONEBOOTH and MEMEMTO. Click on the link that says online version .

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Fantastic in Plastic

I couldn't resist another self portrait.

This one is courtesty of .
You can save or print them the same as the Southpark one.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Self Portrait. Sweeeeet.

I know this isn't exactly news, but you can create your own
South Park Characters at South Park

What was news to me, though, was a way you could save or print your characters.

If you press the "Print Scrn" button on your keyboard you can then paste the document into a graphics program. Then just trim it and you're all set.

Fresh Morning Air....Sniff, Aaaahhh !

I got up early this morning and went running with a friend down at the beach. I felt great, motivated to do a million things.

The first thing, though, was to call customer service for my PC. It's amazing what an hour on hold will do to your motivation.

Anyways, here's a link to a great site and a particularly addictive game:


Don't say I didn't warn you...

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Grrr... I'm not sure if I like the recent trend in Comic book movies.

Blade III was just, OFFENSIVELY bad. Like, the WB meets Super Soul Brother. Actually, that sounds kinda good. It wasn't good.

Elektra, I must admit, had me pretty excited. Not just Ninjas. SUPER POWERED Ninjas. I was all psyched up for serious Naruto-style action. It was a lot more Gilmore Girls than Ninja Scroll.

And now, Fantastic Four. I am not hopeful. I have always thought that Fantastic 4, although a good title, belongs in 2D. It's just a bit too cheezy for 3D. Or 5D, for that matter.

Here's PennyArcade's take on it.

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