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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Pocky Buzz
Today's Pocky Link is to the eGullet forums. If you skim through this 7 page forum thread about pocky, you will find a lot of different flavors, pictures, anecdotes, and opinions from Pocky fanatics.
eGullet Pocky Thread
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Japanese Prime Minister: "My Ninja Women will defeat the Robots"
"Smoke it!" shouts angry robot
After Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi was attacked by a
Security Robot (click here for story) he decided to staff his government with Ninja Women (click here for story).
Ninja Women are perfect in this amoral world.
And people wonder why I so love Japan.
Get more ROBOTS in the Robot Archives
Get more NINJA Action in the Ninja Archives
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Monday, August 29, 2005
Friday, August 26, 2005
I'm not crazy! Part II
Out of the ashes of defeat came JONATHAN POWER, humanity's last hope of defeating the BIO-DREAD warriors led by the evil LORD DREAD. Captain Jonathan Power and a devoted band of freedom fighters are all that stands between Dread and the final destruction of mankind.
That is the story of none other than CAPTAIN POWER and the SOLDIERS OF THE FUTURE.
That's right, the TV show that everyone tried to convince me I was making up.
Well, it's real, it has cool toys, videos, and video clips.
CAPTAIN POWER aired back in 1987, and was written by J. Michael Straczynski (Babylon 5).
For those that don't remember, or tried to convince me I was crazy, CAPTAIN POWER was an action show for kids that used an interactive light gun toy. You could battle with friends, just like LASER TAG.
But that's not all - if you held up the gun/ship to the TV during an episode or video, the bad guys in the show could blast your pilot right out of your ship!
The Soldiers of the Future were a 5 man team, each with a special suit of power armor (much like the Centurions) . Each member had a special ability and suit, and personality - much like G-Force or Voltron or any 5 guy sci-fi team.
My favorite element of the show was the computer generated characters, the BIO-DREADS.
These villainous robots would 'digitize' people - sort of like beaming someone up in Star Trek, but very painful and traumatic. The 'digitized' people would be stored in a computer.
I wonder how many digitized people would fit in an i-pod ?
The show was very ambitious, in that it was pretty well written, in depth, had good production values, incorporated CGI characters, and had an interactive toy line.
The look of the show was great, too - a real mixture of Terminator, Voltron, and even the Borg from Star Trek.
I would go into greater depth, but the links above are very thorough and well done.
So now you know I'm not crazy. Just like the last time...
I'm not crazy Part I
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Thursday, August 25, 2005
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Pocky Addiction
Today's pocky link is Depths of Addiction: a ground breaking documentary series which reveals the tragic truth about Pocky Addiction.
Click on the banner to visit the site
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Cave Man Jesus Lives!

You have all seen these amorphous tar/gum stains in parking garages.
But you have never seen one like this before!
Behold, the perfect image of a cave man !

And since only holy people appear in such mysterious ways, and it is probably too hairy to be the virgin Mary, I am logically forced to conclude that this is none other than Cave Man Jesus! (A.K.A. Cromagnon Christ).
Golden Palace, please contact me with a bid on this miraculous sighting.
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Monday, August 22, 2005
Monday, August 15, 2005
Monday's Comic - Doc Rockstrong Part 6
This last installment ended up being 2 pages, although I would have loved to have the fight run for several more.
I started this particular project with a clear idea of what style I wanted to achieve - very simple 2D environments and people with only the Monoliths standing out in heavily shadowed 3D. The idea was to allow for faster illustration, pausing only to give the monolith's extra weight.
Instead, I ended up putting multiple special effects (shadows, glow, etc) on nearly every element in the comic - hats, grass, sky, crystals, people, etc. I am happy with my new fonts, however.
I may bring Doc Rockstrong back for another story, but it will look much different from this first one. I hope you enjoyed it - and go learn about the statues of Easter Island - they are extremely cool.
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Friday, August 12, 2005
Flip ya, flipya for real
This neat FREE website lets you make simple animations, just like the little cartoons you used to draw on the corners of your school books.
If you were very naughty.
Here is one I made that could only be called....
Flea vs Worm
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
You see the SIZE of that CHICKEN?!

MAN, these are good comics.
Comics doodled on Post It notes about chickens and posted onto the web.
It's such a quick, easy, and unauthorized-use-of-company-office-supplies
I could weep.
Webcomics, short stories, and more @
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Happy Pocky Day
Today's Pocky Link is a surprisingly indepth and ongoing review of Japanese snack foods (including Pocky) from Boonyverse.
Get more POCKY in the Pocky Archives
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Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Get Stuffed!

Are you looking for a nice stuffed robot to cuddle with?
Or perhaps adding some flair to your outfit with a Robot Ninja wristband?
Check out Stuffed Robot for all their hand made, fun & fuzzy merchandise.
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Monday, August 08, 2005
Friday, August 05, 2005
Bug Jar Comics
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Thursday, August 04, 2005
Faster Comics, Kill ! Kill !
I'm always looking for a faster way to get comics done. My current comic has proven particulary time consuming and has further aroused my need for speed.
Here's one of the many great webcomics I've found that is hugely entertaining without being hugely detailed.
This one's called Wondermark . Clip Art toons rule.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
What ever happened to Pocky Day?
"Whatever happened to Pocky Day?," The rioters scream.
It seems I have exhausted the local supplies of Pocky variety.
I must now enter Phase II of my plan - Invade Japan.
I have made contact with a vendor in Japan and am awaiting exciting new kinds of Pocky.
In the meantime I will revisit some of my favorites and update the blog with other odd Pocky stuff, like the picture above.
Webcomics, short stories, and more @
Get more Pocky in the Pocky Archives
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Partially Clips
Partially Clips
Monday, August 01, 2005
Blog Archive
- Pocky Buzz
- Tennis Zombie vows to defeat Venus, devour Serena ...
- Japanese Prime Minister: "My Ninja Women will defe...
- flying jelly fish swarm
- Monday's Comic - Robot! vs. Ninja! Round #38
- I'm not crazy! Part II
- Bob in the Middle
- Pocky Addiction
- Cave Man Jesus Lives!
- Monday's Comic - Robot Vs Ninja Round 37
- Monday's Comic - Doc Rockstrong Part 6
- Flip ya, flipya for real
- You see the SIZE of that CHICKEN?!
- Happy Pocky Day
- Get Stuffed!
- Monday's Comic - Clip Art Wishes
- Must...comic...faster!
- Faster Comics, Kill ! Kill !
- What ever happened to Pocky Day?
- Partially Clips
- Monday's Comic - Doc Rockstrong Part 5