I could review one a week, but that would take me almost a year. So here's what I've had recently.
Flava: Yogurt Pocky
Notes: For a plain yogurt flavor it really tastes like lemons. Strangely similiar to Green Tea Pocky.
Rating: 2 out of 10
Flava: Green Tea
Notes: Strange taste... vanilla with a tea aftertaste. My friends are split on whether it's good or bad.
Rating: 3 out of 10
Flava: Pocky G
Notes: The G is for the hard, crunchy chocolate cookie (as opposed to the normal wheat cracker). Great texture, strong chocolate taste. There are other Pocky G flavors as well.
Rating: 9 out of 10
Flava: Reverse Pocky
Notes: Bizarro Pocky ? Reverse Pocky has the cookie on the outside and the chocolate on the inside. The cookie is crisp and chocolate like the Pocky G. Addictive texture, very tasty.
Rating: 9 out of 10
That's this week's report. Every Pocky Day (Wednesday) I'll review more flavors.
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