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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Earth must be destroyed !
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Monday, May 30, 2005
Friday, May 27, 2005
Killer Bees !
Somewhat random, I know. But I recently finished a comic about killer bees, and thought it would be fun to present some info here.
From insecta
-Africanized bees can stay angry for days after being disturbed - SO ANGRY !
-If one bee stings, it releases an alarm that smells like bananas. This pheromone causes the other bees to become agitated and sting. ( Banana lovers, beware.)
-Killer bees hate high pitched sounds, loud noises, strong odors or fragrances, shiny jewelry, and dark clothes. (making Prince their natural enemy)
-Attack the face and ankles (so mean !)
-Run away in a straight line, protecting your face. Avoid other people, or they too will be attacked. (Damn ! They'll jack your homies just for being down with you !)
-Do not try to hide underwater. The Africanized bee swarm will wait for you to surface.
(Tenacious !)
- May headbutt their vicitms as a warning (unorthodox fighting style! )
Oddly, the biblical info website has a killer bee game you can play.
They also have movie reviews, with wisdom like "The tragedy of life is that all people are doomed to go the way of Anakin Skywalker if not for the grace of God in Jesus Christ."
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Thursday, May 26, 2005
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Pocky Day - Review
Flava:Decorer Chocolat de Caramel (Caramel and Chocolate decoration cake)
Notes: Tastes like a Mocha Frappachino with a shot of caramel. Yum!
Rating: 8.5 out of 10
Flava: Banana Pocky
Notes: Not just a novelty, actually pretty tasty. Love the monkeys on the box.
Rating: 7 out of 10
Happy Pocky Day !
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Ghost Rider
The Hell Cycle from the upcoming GHOST RIDER movie. I am so stoked.
Click here for a full sized pic at SUPER HERO HYPE.
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Monday, May 23, 2005
Monday's Comic - Hand Jive !
Handy has a philosophical debate with God. Very enlightening.
Click on the panel below to read the full comic.
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Friday, May 20, 2005
Pac Mania
Here's an article about Human PacMan, where you can put on VR goggles and walk around outside, eating digital power pellets and being chased by other people.
The composite VR/GPS tracking system may have military applications.
Watch out, Osama Bin Blinky.
. . . . . . . . .
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
Star Wars Episode III - ROTS
I was priviledged to see an advance screening of Star Wars III on Monday.
I refrained from commenting until the movie officially opened so people could make up their own minds. This isn't a formal review, just my humble thoughts on the movie.
Revenge of the Sith was too similar to Attack of the Clones. Better than Episode I, but far worse than any of the original trilogy.
What I found so depressing was that, while Episode I and II may have been so-so, there was always a chance that George would get the magic back for part III, the movie with the most dramatic potential.
Well, part III has come and gone. It's done. There will never be another star wars movie. EVER. This was as good as it is ever going to get (barring infinite special editions and redux versions from Lucas in the coming years).
Every single scene with Padme and Anakin was painfully bad. Painfully...bad.
And Anakin all sliced up and burnt didn't floor me, remember - when we saw STAR WARS as kids we saw the charred corpses of Luke's foster parents.
Sure, there were lots of light saber fights. Good, right ? I don't know. The new light saber fights were so complicated and flashy that I couldn't really tell what was going on. That took some of the fun out it...these light saber fights weren't as accessible as the originals.
Try recreating THESE fight scenes with a couple friends and some cardboard tubes.
People say that the original trilogy was just as cheezy and over merchandised. Maybe I'm too nostalgiac.
But consider this: We don't remember the original trilogy through the fog of time. We rewatch them constantly. They hold up. They are classics, with a mythic story independant of any one era.
These movies, with their clumsy plots of trade embargoes and speeches about democracy will seem incredibly dated to the Bush Administration.
And why did General Grievous sound so much like Triumph, the insult comic dog ?
"Yyyeeeessss.... Count Dookoo taught me your Jedi arts.... FOR ME TO POOP ON !".
Perhaps the most damning testimony in this whole debacle comes from Lucas himself.
According to George Lucas' interview in Entertainment Weekly :
Lucas: "When I was creating the first 3 movies, I knew I had to have some backstory, so I brainstormed about 90 minutes worth of material. It was all character study and political expose, which I realize isn't the most thrilling cinema.
For the prequels, I knew I wanted to leave all the good stuff for the 3rd, climactic episode. I put 20% in Episode I, another 20% of the story in Episode II, and the remaining 60% of the backstory in Episode III.
Unfortunately, Episode III ran way too long, so I cut out everything that wasn't all about Anakin. "
So, if I understood the man correctly:
EPISODE I: THE PHANTOM MENACE - 80% Filler (Jar Jar, Pod Race, Gungans) and 20% of a THIRTY YEAR OLD rough draft that George Lucas admits isn't very interesting as cinema.
EPISODE II: ATTACK OF THE CLONES- 80% Filler (Bad love story, wise cracking droid soldiers) and 20% of a THIRTY YEAR OLD rough draft that George Lucas admits isn't very interesting as cinema.
EPISODE III : REVENGE OF THE SITH - The remaining 60% of the story, which was ruthlessly cut down for time.
I'm sorry, but there is no way in hell any of the prequels could have been good.
Case closed.
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Pocky Day Review
Flava: Chocolate Strawberry Decorer (Decoration Cake)
Notes: Very nice looking, and smelled wonderful. They really taste like Captain Crunch Cereal Crunch Berries.
Rating: 7 outta 10
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Star Wars - The Flamethrower !
I dare you to listen to THE STARWARS CHRISTMAS ALBUM.
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Monday, May 16, 2005
STAR WARS: Revenge of the Spoiler
This was a labor of love/hate. When I see the Darth Vader M&M I feel like the classic trilogy has been betrayed... and yet, I want to buy them.
Lucas' Sith powers over my formative years were strong.
I will eat his Vader M&Ms and weep bitterly for my lost childhood.
So bitter... so chocolatey.
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Friday, May 13, 2005
Star Wars Cantina
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
Star Wars Gangsta rap - Special Edition
The new Special Edition of the Star Wars Gangsta Rap has much better animation.
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Pocky Day Review
FLAVA: Almond Crush Mild
NOTES: Flavored coffee smell/taste. My coworkers all liked it, but it was not enough flavor for me. The packaging was very pretty, though.
RATING: 3 out of 10
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Wookie pa nub in all de' wrong places
And the Wookie E-Card feature at the Starwars M&M's site translates your message into wookie roars !
Send a wookie message back to me at
and I'll send you a
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Monday, May 09, 2005
Friday, May 06, 2005
Groop, I implore thee
It was really bizarre. Wonderfully bizarre, in fact.
I have read and reread the books many times. I bought the horribly impossible computer game. My best friend and I made up a role playing game based on the books. I even memorized Vogon poetry.
So I am a fan, to be sure. I'm also a fan of Mos Def and Sam Rockwell.
Unfortunately, the movie didn't really work. It was entertaining, inventive, gorgeous, and bizarre... but not much of a story.
Mos Def was vague as Ford Prefect... hard to understand and not very compelling.
Sam Rockwell made some strong choices as Zaphod Beeblebrox, President of the Galaxy, but mostly he seemed interested in channeling George W. back in his cocaine heydays.
The aliens from Jim Henson's company were absolutely stunning, and the production designer, costume designer, and set designer were the real stand out stars. The movie had a crazy Muppet being attacked by a Sony Aibo look to it.
The narration and illustrations of the Hitchhiker's Guide book itself were definitely the best part of the movie.
I recommend the movie, though maybe as a matinee. It's fearlessly weird and original, with the tone set wonderfully by the opening musical number. If nothing else, the movie should lead people to the original books.
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Oota Boota... Solo ?
STAR WARS Trilogy, here's a very funny comic by Sam Davatchi.
Click here to view the comic.
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Thursday, May 05, 2005
Darth Vader's Blog
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Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Pocky Quest: 2005
I could review one a week, but that would take me almost a year. So here's what I've had recently.
Flava: Yogurt Pocky
Notes: For a plain yogurt flavor it really tastes like lemons. Strangely similiar to Green Tea Pocky.
Rating: 2 out of 10
Flava: Green Tea
Notes: Strange taste... vanilla with a tea aftertaste. My friends are split on whether it's good or bad.
Rating: 3 out of 10
Flava: Pocky G
Notes: The G is for the hard, crunchy chocolate cookie (as opposed to the normal wheat cracker). Great texture, strong chocolate taste. There are other Pocky G flavors as well.
Rating: 9 out of 10
Flava: Reverse Pocky
Notes: Bizarro Pocky ? Reverse Pocky has the cookie on the outside and the chocolate on the inside. The cookie is crisp and chocolate like the Pocky G. Addictive texture, very tasty.
Rating: 9 out of 10
That's this week's report. Every Pocky Day (Wednesday) I'll review more flavors.
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Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Revenge of the Brick
CLICK HERE to check out Cartoon Network's awesome trailer for
Revenge of the Brick.
On the official Lego Star Wars site there is a gallery of employee creations. My favorite is this giant lego AT-AT.
Impressive. Most impressive.
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Monday, May 02, 2005
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Blog Archive
- Earth must be destroyed !
- Monday's Comic - Science Fact File
- Killer Bees !
- Pocky Day - Review
- Ghost Rider
- Monday's Comic - Hand Jive !
- Pac Mania
- Star Wars Episode III - ROTS
- Pocky Day Review
- Star Wars - The Flamethrower !
- STAR WARS: Revenge of the Spoiler
- Star Wars Cantina
- Star Wars Gangsta rap - Special Edition
- Pocky Day Review
- Wookie pa nub in all de' wrong places
- Monday's Comic - Pluck You
- Groop, I implore thee
- Oota Boota... Solo ?
- Darth Vader's Blog
- Pocky Quest: 2005
- Bat-Aid
- Revenge of the Brick
- Roll Bounce
- Monday's Comic - All Dolled Up
- A Picture Share!